94: Personhood for Plastic Bags Edition

plastic bagsThis week Jared takes Joel, Josh and Ron on a tour through some of Denver’s recent—and bizarre—political developments. A discussion about petition signatures for Colorado’s proposed personhood amendment digresses into a discussion about Scott Gessler and any partisan motivations behind keeping fetuses off the ballot; we talk about the City Council’s decision to declare Five Points a blighted neighborhood and imminent fears of eminent domain; and we make bad sperm jokes about the Council’s vote to pay a $42,500 settlement to Scarlet Ranch, a swinger’s club that was raided by Denver Police in 2010.

After the break, we question the City of Boulder’s proposed 20-cent fee for disposable plastic and paper bags and exactly how many more canvas bags Joel can fit into his house. Finally, just as we started getting deep into a discussion about Ward Churchill losing his appeal against the University of Colorado, our Zoom H2 recorder kicked the bucket—because apparently even our recorder was sick of hearing about Churchill and his endless antics. Ron wraps up the show from a basement in rural Kansas.

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